Regenerative farming

Why sustainability is no longer enough

Soils have an integral role in supporting life. But while they span vast land masses, soils form only a thin layer on the face of the Earth and globally, extensive quantities of soils have been degraded by human activities. And unfortunately, this degradation is having a widespread impact on our climate and environment.

So to reverse the global trends of climate change, high nutrient input and biodiversity loss, agriculture will shift its aim from sustainability to regeneration and the focus needs to be driven, in part, by the regeneration of soils.

Generally, soil health can be regenerated through changes in soil management. MyNoke provides some solutions which align with the regenerative agriculture philosophy, and they are adoptable by conventional farms too.

Regenerative farming with MyNoke products

We at MyNoke are passionate about regenerating soil health and function. And while our product (vermicast) is not a silver bullet,it has the potential to improve nutrient cycling on farms and reduce waste beyond farm boundaries.

Despite growing awareness, today’s organic ‘wastes’ (resources) often end up in landfills and when these resources are not returned to productive land, the nutrient cycles of our food production systems are broken - with nutrients ultimately being transferred from soils to landfills.

However, MyNoke has become the link that upcycles New Zealand’s organic resources to ensure a circular flow of nutrients in food production systems.
How? We return the organic ‘wastes’ to soil as vermicast.

Why vermicast?

Vermicast is a natural product created by earthworms. We did not invent it, but we are experts in mass producing it. We feed our billions of earthworms organic wastes that otherwise traditionally go to landfill.

We know they love it – all our worm farms are outdoors so the worms would leave if they did not like what we were doing.

However upcycling organic resources is only part of the MyNoke philosophy. Applying vermicast provides many benefits to soils and plants, because it is a form of soil humus - which plays an important role in water and nutrient storage and cycling. Vermicast also contains plant growth promoters such as gibberellins and auxins - these stimulate root development and growth, resulting in more resilient plants with greater yields.

Our Earth’s soils are precious and increasingly vulnerable to misuse and overuse, but there are ways to repair some of the damage that has been done.

If you want to find out more about how vermicast, earthworms and MyNoke products fit in with regenerative agriculture, please get in touch.

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