The Waikato Business Awards were held last Friday by the Waikato Chamber of Commerce and it proved 'golden' for the MyNoke team.
15 years of arduous mahi by the team was recognised by the entire Waikato region with the win of the Wintec Sustainability Award and the Air New Zealand People's Choice Award.
Wintec Sustainability Award
This award recognises an organisation that embraces sustainable practices in daily operations that reduce the impact on the environment and/or provide product or services that have positive environmental and/or social outcomes.
To win this award is the pinnacle for sustainability focussed businesses in the Waikato region and the team is honoured to hold this award high.
Air New Zealand People's Choice Award
All finalists for this year's awards were invited to rally votes for the Air New Zealand People's Choice Award. The MyNoke team took this challenge and commenced a wide-reaching campaign which paid off by winning this award on the night.
THANK YOU to all who voted making this award possible for MyNoke. To all our team, their whanau & friends, our board & investors, customers, distributors, farm tour visitors, schools, and community group partner we work with - this award is for you!
It is humbling experiencing such an overwhelming level of support acknowledging our purpose and mahi as we strive to enrich New Zealand's soils and fight climate change. Thank you all for partnering with us on this journey to a better world.